Meterpreter Scripting

Since the Meterpreter scripting is planned to be removed and replaced with POST module, we'll put a skeleton Meterpreter script only.

You can locate you new Meterpreter script in

  • The framework it-self metasploit-framework/scripts/meterpreter or,
  • In your Metasploit user's path ~/.msf/scripts/meterpreter

Absolute Meterpreter Script

# $Id$
# $Revision$
# Author: 
################## Variable Declarations ##################

@client = client
sample_option_var = nil
@exec_opts =
    "-h" => [ false, "Help menu." ],
    "-o" => [ true , "Option that requires a value"]
meter_type = client.platform

################## Function Declarations ##################

# Usage Message Function
def usage
    print_line "Meterpreter Script for INSERT PURPOSE."
    raise Rex::Script::Completed

# Wrong Meterpreter Version Message Function
def wrong_meter_version(meter = meter_type)
    print_error("#{meter} version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!")
    raise Rex::Script::Completed

################## Main ##################
@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val|
    case opt
    when "-h"
    when "-o"
        sample_option_var = val

# Check for Version of Meterpreter
wrong_meter_version(meter_type) if meter_type !~ /win32|win64|java|php|linux/i # Remove none supported versions

The script is directly quoted from the Metasploit samples

results matching ""

    No results matching ""