
Stretching - for beginners

OK, if you believe you're a beginner and need to worm-up, here's a list of tasks to do using ruby before start this book.

  • String
    • Print the following string \x52\x75\x62\x79\x46\x75 as it is, it should NOT be resolved to characters.
    • You have string RubyFu convert this string to an array (each character is an element).
  • Arrays
    • You have the following array ["R", "u", "b", "y", "F", "u"] convert it to string RubyFu.
    • You have the following array ["1", "2", "3", "4"], calculate the sum of all elements
  • Files and Folders
    • Find all files ends with .jpg or .pdf or .docx or .zip in your Downloads folder
    • Create folder called ruby-testfu and copy all found files(from previous task) into it.
  • Network
    • Create simple TCP server listening on port 3211. This server prints date and time .
    • Create simple TCP client to connect to previous server and print what server send.

A good list of References under Beginners part.

Challenge Your Self!

There are some awesome website that push your programming skills via interactive way and I really encourage you to go through one or more of them.

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