WordPress API
Ruby has a standard library called xmlrpc
which takes care of all xmlrpc stuff, you can even create an XML-RPC server using it. Let's to get some real word example
Looking for really known application that support XML-RPC then of course WordPress was the first attendee.
So what do we want to do?
- Say hello to WordPress
- List all available methods
- List all available users
- List all available post
- Create a new post!
- Retrieve our created post
- List all comments on our created post
require 'xmlrpc/client'
opts =
host: '',
path: '/xmlrpc.php',
port: 80,
proxy_host: nil,
proxy_port: nil,
user: 'admin',
password: '123123',
use_ssl: false,
timeout: 30
# Create a new instance
server = XMLRPC::Client.new(
opts[:host], opts[:path], opts[:port],
opts[:proxy_host], opts[:proxy_port],
opts[:user], opts[:password],
opts[:use_ssl], opts[:timeout]
# Create a new instance takes a hash
server = XMLRPC::Client.new3(opts)
# Say hello to WordPress
response = server.call("demo.sayHello")
# List all available methods
server.call('system.listMethods', 0)
# List all available users
server.call('wp.getAuthors', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password])
# List all available post
response = server.call('wp.getPosts', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password])
# Create a new post!
post =
"post_title" => 'Rubyfu vs WP XML-RPC',
"post_name" => 'Rubyfu vs WordPress XML-RPC',
"post_content" => 'This is Pragmatic Rubyfu Post. Thanks for reading',
"post_author" => 2,
"post_status" => 'publish',
"comment_status" => 'open'
response = server.call("wp.newPost", 0, opts[:user], opts[:password], post)
# Retrieve created post
response = server.call('wp.getPosts', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password], {"post_type" => "post", "post_status" => "published", "number" => "2", "offset" => "2"})
# List all comments on a specific post
response = server.call('wp.getComments', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password], {"post_id" => 4})
>> # Say hello to WordPress
>> response = server.call("demo.sayHello")
=> "Hello!"
>> # List all available methods
>> server.call('system.listMethods', 0)
=> ["system.multicall",
>> # List all available users
>> server.call('wp.getAuthors', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password])
=> [{"user_id"=>"1", "user_login"=>"admin", "display_name"=>"admin"}, {"user_id"=>"3", "user_login"=>"galaxy", "display_name"=>"Galaxy"}, {"user_id"=>"2", "user_login"=>"Rubyfu", "display_name"=>"Rubyfu"}]
>> # List all available post
>> response = server.call('wp.getPosts', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password])
=> [{"post_id"=>"4",
"post_title"=>"Rubyfu vs WP XMLRPC",
"post_date"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x0000000227f3b0 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=44, @month=11, @sec=31, @year=2015>,
"post_date_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x0000000227d178 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=44, @month=11, @sec=31, @year=2015>,
"post_modified"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000021d6ee0 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=52, @month=11, @sec=25, @year=2015>,
"post_modified_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000021d4ca8 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=52, @month=11, @sec=25, @year=2015>,
"post_content"=>"This is Pragmatic Rubyfu Post. Thanks for reading",
[{"term_id"=>"1", "name"=>"Uncategorized", "slug"=>"uncategorized", "term_group"=>"0", "term_taxonomy_id"=>"1", "taxonomy"=>"category", "description"=>"", "parent"=>"0", "count"=>2, "filter"=>"raw"}],
"post_title"=>"Hello world!",
"post_date"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002735580 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_date_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x0000000226b130 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_modified"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002268de0 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_modified_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000021aea58 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_content"=>"Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!",
[{"term_id"=>"1", "name"=>"Uncategorized", "slug"=>"uncategorized", "term_group"=>"0", "term_taxonomy_id"=>"1", "taxonomy"=>"category", "description"=>"", "parent"=>"0", "count"=>2, "filter"=>"raw"}],
>> # Create a new post!
>> post =
| {
| "post_title" => 'Rubyfu vs WP XML-RPC',
| "post_name" => 'Rubyfu vs WordPress XML-RPC',
| "post_content" => 'This is Pragmatic Rubyfu Post. Thanks for reading',
| "post_author" => 2,
| "post_status" => 'publish',
| "comment_status" => 'open'
| }
=> {"post_title"=>"Rubyfu vs WP XML-RPC",
"post_name"=>"Rubyfu vs WordPress XML-RPC",
"post_content"=>"This is Pragmatic Rubyfu Post. Thanks for reading",
>> response = server.call("wp.newPost", 0, opts[:user], opts[:password], post)
=> "7"
>> # Retrieve created post
>> response = server.call('wp.getPosts', 0, opts[:user], opts[:password], {"post_type" => "post", "post_status" => "published", "number" => "2", "offset" => "2"})
=> [{"post_id"=>"3",
"post_title"=>"Auto Draft",
"post_date"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x0000000225bcd0 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=22, @month=11, @sec=29, @year=2015>,
"post_date_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002259a98 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=22, @month=11, @sec=29, @year=2015>,
"post_modified"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x0000000256b808 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=22, @month=11, @sec=29, @year=2015>,
"post_modified_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000025695d0 @day=1, @hour=19, @min=22, @month=11, @sec=29, @year=2015>,
"post_title"=>"Hello world!",
"post_date"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002617298 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_date_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002615038 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_modified"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000025e6d28 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_modified_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000025e4aa0 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_content"=>"Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!",
[{"term_id"=>"1", "name"=>"Uncategorized", "slug"=>"uncategorized", "term_group"=>"0", "term_taxonomy_id"=>"1", "taxonomy"=>"category", "description"=>"", "parent"=>"0", "count"=>3, "filter"=>"raw"}],
"post_title"=>"Hello world!",
"post_date"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002617298 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_date_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x00000002615038 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_modified"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000025e6d28 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_modified_gmt"=>#<XMLRPC::DateTime:0x000000025e4aa0 @day=1, @hour=17, @min=54, @month=11, @sec=14, @year=2015>,
"post_content"=>"Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!",
[{"term_id"=>"1", "name"=>"Uncategorized", "slug"=>"uncategorized", "term_group"=>"0", "term_taxonomy_id"=>"1", "taxonomy"=>"category", "description"=>"", "parent"=>"0", "count"=>3, "filter"=>"raw"}],
and here is the new post
More about WordPress XML-RPC