Command Execution

Some things to think about when choosing between these ways are:

  1. Do you just want stdout or do you need stderr as well? or even separated out?
  2. How big is your output? Do you want to hold the entire result in memory?
  3. Do you want to read some of your output while the subprocess is still running?
  4. Do you need result codes?
  5. Do you need a ruby object that represents the process and lets you kill it on demand?

The following ways are applicable on all operating systems.

Kernel#` (backticks)

>> `date`
#=> "Sun Sep 27 00:38:54 AST 2015\n"


>> exec('date')
Sun Sep 27 00:39:22 AST 2015
RubyFu( ~ )->


>> system 'date'
Sun Sep 27 00:38:01 AST 2015
#=> true


>> IO.popen("date") { |f| puts f.gets }
Sun Sep 27 00:40:06 AST 2015
#=> nil


require 'open3'
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('dc') 
#=> [#<IO:fd 14>, #<IO:fd 16>, #<IO:fd 18>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00000002f68bd0 sleep>]
>> stdin.puts(5)
#=> nil
>> stdin.puts(10)
#=> nil
>> stdin.puts("+")
#=> nil
>> stdin.puts("p")
#=> nil
>> stdout.gets
#=> "15\n"


Kernel.spawn executes the given command in a subshell. It returns immediately with the process id.

pid = Process.spawn("date")
Sun Sep 27 00:50:44 AST 2015
#=> 12242

%x"", %x[], %x{}, %x$''$

>> %x"date"
#=> Sun Sep 27 00:57:20 AST 2015\n"
>> %x[date]
#=> "Sun Sep 27 00:58:00 AST 2015\n"
>> %x{date}
#=> "Sun Sep 27 00:58:06 AST 2015\n"
>> %x$'date'$
#=> "Sun Sep 27 00:58:12 AST 2015\n"


require 'rake'
>> sh 'date'
Sun Sep 27 00:59:05 AST 2015
#=> true


To check the status of the backtick operation you can execute $?.success?


>> `date`
=> "Sun Sep 27 01:06:42 AST 2015\n"
>> $?.success?
=> true

results matching ""

    No results matching ""