Module 0x6 | Forensic Kung Fu

Firefox Investigation

You can find Firefox profile databases in

  • Linux
  • Windows

In above directories, there are many SQLite database files, so let's to import these databases and see what we get

require 'sqlite3'

# Browser history 
db = "places.sqlite"

# List all tables 
db.execute  "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table'"

# List all visited URLs (History)
db.execute  "SELECT url FROM moz_places"
# List all bookmarks
db.execute  "SELECT title FROM moz_bookmarks"

# List all Cookies
db = "cookies.sqlite"
db.execute  "SELECT baseDomain, name, host, path, value FROM moz_cookies"

# List all form history
db = "formhistory.sqlite"
db.execute  "SELECT fieldname, value FROM moz_formhistory"

More about Firefox forensic

Google Chrome Investigation

  • Linux
  • Windows
    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
require 'sqlite3'

# List all Cookies
db = "Cookies"
db.execute  "SELECT host_key, path, name, value FROM cookies"

More about Chrome forensic

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    No results matching ""